From the stacks #1 - Transit strike edition
Lucky me: My Christmas break from work just happened to start on the same day the subways shut down. Put a little crimp in my last-minute shopping, but being stuck at home with a pile of records is a lot better than trudging across the 59th Street bridge. So enjoy my manic posting before an expected holiday slowdown.

Johnny Jenkins, Ton-Ton Macoute! (Capricorn 1974)
Think I first heard about this because of the Beck sample from "Walk on Guilded Splinters," but it's a great album all the way through. Reminds me of Muddy Waters' Electric Mud, psyched-out fuzzpedal bluesrock.

McDonald & Giles, McDonald & Giles (Cotillion 1970)
McDonald and Giles were two early members of King Crimson who left after the first record, opting to work on this album of sunshiney pop/prog song suites. Sorry I cut off "Tomorrow's People" early, it comes back for a coda after that fade-out but my copy has a nasty skip.

Thunderclap Newman, Hollywood Dream (Track Records 1970)
Call out the instigator: My man Suge White used "Something in the Air" as the first track on a mixtape a few years ago (to be listened to while driving around Louisville the night before the Kentucky Oaks) and I've been looking for this record ever since. These guys were buddies with the Who (Pete Townshend produced the hit) and shared space on the Magic Christian soundtrack with Badfinger. Total anthem.

Latimore, Latimore III (Glades 1975)
Dude. Latimore. The 'stache, the open shirt, the dangling medallion -- how is it even possible that the lady at home is not getting enough Latimore? Step up your game, my friend.

The United States of America, The United States of America (Columbia 1968)
Up until their shift to a more minimal sound on Tender Buttons, Broadcast had made a pretty good career out of imitating and reinventing this major-label oddity from 1968, a nice companion piece if you dig the slightly more well-known Silver Apples. Dorothy Moskowitz has a killer voice.
I think it's over now, I think it's ending ...
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