Gimme the loot, gimme the loot

Couple of very different but very excellent box sets dropped down my chimney this Xmas: Rhino's One Kiss Can Lead to Another: Girl Group Sounds Lost and Found and the Fall's Complete Peel Sessions 1978-2004 on Castle/Sanctuary. On the girl group box, Rhino comes correct as usual, from the packaging (it comes in a real hat box -- might even top the fake eight-track case of the '70s soul box) to the wide variety of great sounds within. Soul, pop, rock, from the novelty to the dead serious, it all fell under the "girl group" umbrella. I was expecting an entire box of Ronettes clones (not that that would be a bad thing), but One Kiss Can Lead to Another is more like a female Nuggets minus the psychedelia -- glorious blasts of pure pop, rescued from obscurity.

"There is no way I need six more discs of the Fall."
"Yes, you do."
"I have like 40 of their albums."
"Complete Peel Sessions is better than their albums!"
"Half of my iPod is the Fall."
"I took all my other Fall albums off my iPod and just put the box set on. That's all I listen to now."
" ... "
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