Break time

Well it seems EZArchive is kaput as a viable place to put my files. Good timing, actually, cuz I'm about to box up my records for the moving truck, so I needed to take a short break anyway. I'm trying to finish up a mix that should be posted in the next couple of days, and repost all the old mixes whose links have expired, and then that will be it for a little while, until I get the Internet up and running at my new place and get my tech correct with a new file host. In the meantime:
- Check out round two of my eBay auction fire sale.
- LCD Soundsystem's 45:33 (nice title) might be the only music you need for the next couple weeks. Chicago piano, glockenspiel microhouse, and beardo disco vocoder frenzy dissolves into chiming ambient cooldown. And we all know you could use some exercise.
- Hoping to check out some CMJ shows this week, including the Rapture and TK Webb and whatever else I stumble across.
See ya soon!
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