BOC + Royal Trux

Blue Oyster Cult, Blue Oyster Cult (Columbia 1972)
Clues that this is gonna be good: great cover art, Meltzer's name in the credits, song titles like "Transmaniacon MC."
Blue Oyster Cult - "Screams"
Blue Oyster Cult - "Before The Kiss, A Redcap"

Royal Trux, Sweet Sixteen (Virgin 1997)
Speaking of Transmaniacon ... I don't think I really "got" the Trux's heavy boogie on their major-label debut until recently ... now Sweet Sixteen is my go-to album of theirs to listen to. (But not look at -- google the cover art only if you've got a strong stomach.)
Royal Trux - "Cold Joint"
Royal Trux - "Morphic Resident"
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