West Coast Pop Art + The Byrds

West Coast Pop Art Experimental Band, Volume 3: A Child's Guide to Good and Evil (Reprise 1968)
Late-sixties California soft psych that goes along perfectly with Moby Grape, Quicksilver, and later period Byrds (see below). Because of their name I always thought these guys were more on the goofy side of things (e.g. Holy Modal Rounders) but they only occasionally get into that territory on tracks like "Our Drummer Always Plays in the Nude." Need to track down more by these guys.
West Coast Pop Art Experimental Band - "Eighteen Is Over the Hill"
West Coast Pop Art Experimental Band - "Ritual #1"

The Byrds, The Notorious Byrd Brothers (Columbia 1968)
I never picked this one up until recently because I thought it was past their heyday, but The Notorious Byrd Brothers has crept up to become my favorite Byrds record. They really just stepped on that coked-out whooshy phaser pedal and left it on, huh? Amazing stuff. And I'm not even posting "Draft Morning" or "Wasn't Born to Follow" ...
The Byrds - "Artificial Energy"
The Byrds - "Natural Harmony"
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