Pissed Jeans + Fire Engines

Pissed Jeans, Hope For Men (Sub Pop 2007)
Pissed Jeans seriously brought it at Southpaw this past Saturday. I was already a huge fan but their live show is the bizness, even if it's a 20-minute set. (How long do they play if they headline, 30?) Like to hear more from Tyvek, they started out a little shaky but got into a groove fast, somewhere between post-punk and hyper strummed rave-up rock. Double 7" out now and more to come on What's Your Rupture? That label's also putting out music from headliners Fucked Up from Toronto, who aren't really up my alley musically but their live show was an awesome spectacle. Fun night. Photographic evidence here.
Pissed Jeans - "People Person"
Fire Engines - "Everything's Roses"
Following on the heels of Orange Juice and Josef K we're about to get an essential reissue of Scottish post-punkers the Fire Engines called Hungry Beat. I try not to talk out my ass on here so I won't pretend to be up on these guys -- the reason the reissue is essential is because their stuff is hard to find! Check out Dan's new blog over at his label Acute Records and I'm sure he'll kick knowledge. (In the meantime check out his set on Beats in Space -- scroll down to May 30th.)
Fire Engines - "Meat Whiplash"
p.s. Remember when I posted Hall & Oates and the comments were full of people looking for the Rolling Stones "Too Much Bood" Arthur Baker mix? *cough* Banana Nutrament *cough cough*
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