Cosmic spinoff

As an addendum to the Kreucht & Fleucht post below, here's a couple more tracks in that vein. The first one, "Zig Zag Feeling," I picked up accidentally when I thought I was getting Steve Barnes' "Cosmic Sandwich" -- on the label it's credited to "Cosmic Sandwich Produced by Steve Barnes." These guys and their aliases .... Anyway, compared with the other "Cosmic Sandwich" this track has fewer of the k-house signifiers (except it's really long) .... it's a nice chunk of Moroder-revival space disco a la Lindstrom. Out on My Best Friend.
This next one is Dominik Eulberg's wigged-out remix of DJ Hell, with some awesome organic-sounding percussion and insane soundwaves washing through to obliterate everything. On Hell's International Deejay Gigolo label.
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