Viva No. 55: Evil Deadheat

Awww mang, I accidentally forgot to post this and now it's too late for a Halloweeny playlist but I still hope ya enjoy ...
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Deadheat No. 55 [10/31/09]
Vampyros Lesbos - Necromania
White Witch - Have You Ever Thought of Changing? / Jackson Slade
Johnny Jenkins - Blind Bats and Swamp Rats
Skull Snaps - It's a New Day
Funkadelic - Night of the Thumpasorus Peoples
Cybotron - Cosmic Cars
The Vamps - Disco Blood
Bauhaus - Terror Couple Kill Colonel
Bush Tetras - Things That Go Boom in the Night
David Bowie - Ashes to Ashes
Captain Beefheart and the Magic Band - When I See Mommy I Feel Like a Mummy
Black Sabbath - The Wizard
Dead Moon - Graveyard
Flaming Lips - Halloween on the Barbary Coast