Viva No. 22: Grotto of Miracles

Deadheat co-pilot Grotto of Miracles sinks us into a haze of psych, folk and skewed pop jams ("I started with that Skip Spence track 'Little Hands' and built the whole show around there" he sez ... ) Big thanks for the sick selection.
Viva stream [noon Saturday] | Archive stream
Deadheat No. 22 [2/28/09]
Flaming Lips - Ode to C.C. (Part II)
Dennis Wilson - Thoughts of You
Skip Spence - Little Hands
Jackie-O-Motherfucker - Hey Mr. Sky
Roy Harper - Forget Me Not
Sixto Rodriguez - Crucify Your Mind
Zak Riles - Sand/Silk Rd Origin
The Ivytree - The Book of Job
Durutti Column - Portrait for Frazer
Psychic Ills - East
Stag Hare - Yert Yah Matreearchy
Magic Lantern - Feasting on Energy
Abe Vigoda - Wild Heart
Banjo or Freakout - Someone Great
13th Floor Elevators - I Had to Tell You